Conway Lab members in bold.
† Postdoctoral researcher; * Graduate student; ** Undergraduate student
Helmstetter*, N., C. J. Conway, S. Roberts, P. Makela, and L.P. Waits. In Press. The influence of grazing on the spatiotemporal activity patterns of a primary sage-grouse nest predator. Rangeland Ecology & Management, in press.
Stevens†, B. S., C. J. Conway, K. Sawyer*, L. Kershek, G. Block, S. Hamilton, and R. Kolstrom. 2024. Developing a range-wide sampling framework for endangered species: a case study with light-footed Ridgway’s rail. Biodiversity and Conservation 33:in press.
Maron**, M. W., N. Paprocki*, J. P. Owen, and C. J. Conway. 2024. Differential effects of chewing lice on body condition across host age and sex in Rough-legged Hawks (Buteo lagopus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 60:in press.
Garcia*, V., C. J. Conway, and C. P. Nadeau. 2024. Experimental changes in food and ectoparasites affect dispersal timing in juvenile burrowing owls. PLoS ONE 19(7):e0306660.
Helmstetter*, N. A., C. J. Conway, S. Roberts, J. R. Adams, P. D. Makela, and L. P. Waits. 2024. Predator-specific mortality of sage-grouse nests based on predator DNA on eggshells. Ecology and Evolution 14:e70213.
Paprocki*, N., S. Blair†, C. J. Conway, J. Adams, S. Nerkowski, J. Kidd, and L. P. Waits. 2024. Comparison of seven DNA metabarcoding sampling methods to assess diet in a large avian predator. Environmental DNA 6:e70000.
Garrett*, M., S. Nerkowski, S. Blair†, N. Campbell, S. Barbosa†, C. J. Conway, P. Hohenlohe, and L. P. Waits. 2024. Development and validation of a GT-seq panel for genetic monitoring in a threatened species using minimally invasive sampling. Ecology and Evolution 14:e11321.​
Hotaling, S., J. Boersma, N. Paprocki*, A. Anderson, L. Whiles, L. Ogburn, S. Kasper, C. White, D. H. Thornton, and P. Wimberger. 2023. Human and wildlife use of mountain glacier habitat in western North America. Northwest Science 97:in press.
Allison*, A. Z. T., C. J. Conway, and A. R. Goldberg*. 2024. Weather influences survival probability in two coexisting mammals directly and indirectly via competitive asymmetry. Ecology 104:e4229.
Allison*, A. Z. T., C. J. Conway, A. E. Morris*, A. R. Goldberg*, K. N. Lohr, R. Richards, and J. A. Almack. 2024. Hit snooze: an imperiled hibernator assesses spring snow conditions to decide whether to terminate hibernation or re-enter torpor. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology 97:53-63.
Allison*, A. Z. T., A. E. Morris*, and C. J. Conway. 2023. Why hibernate? Tests of four hypotheses to explain intraspecific variation in hibernation phenology. Functional Ecology 37:1580-1593.
Lundblad*, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2023. Investing in a nest egg: Intraspecific variation in egg-laying behaviors across a latitudinal gradient. Oecologia 202:83-96.
Lundblad*, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2023. Delayed incubation leads to hatching failure of a Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) nest. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 135:400-405.
Stevens†, B. S., C. J. Conway, J. M. Knetter, S. B. Roberts, and P. Donnelly. 2023. Multi-scale effects of land cover, weather, and fire on Columbian sharp-tailed grouse. Journal of Wildlife Management 87(2):e22349.
Stevens†, B. S., C. J. Conway, C. Tisdale, K. Denny, A. Meyers, and P. Makela. 2023. Backpack satellite transmitters reduce survival but not nesting propensity or success of greater sage-grouse. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10820.
Stevens†, B. S., S. B. Roberts, C. J. Conway, and D. K. Englestead. 2023. Effects of large-scale disturbance on animal space use: functional responses by greater sage-grouse after catastrophic wildfire. Ecology and Evolution 13:ece3.9933.
Brooks, W. E., J. Boersma, N. Paprocki*, P. Wimberger, and S. Hotaling. 2023. Community science for enigmatic ecosystems: using eBird to assess avian biodiversity on glacier and snowfields. Journal of Field Ornithology 94(1):6.
Lachman*, D. A., C. J. Conway, K. T. Vierling, T. Matthews, and D. Evans Mack. 2022. Drones and bathymetry show the importance of optimal water depth for nest placement within breeding colonies of Western and Clark’s Grebes. Wetlands 42:1-10.
Goldberg*, A. R., D. E. Biggins, S. Ramakrishnan, J. W. Bowser, C. J. Conway, D. A. Eads, and J. Wimsatt. 2022. Deltamethrin reduces survival of non-target small mammals. Wildlife Research 49:698-708.
Stevens†, B. S., C. J. Conway, K. Luke, A. Weldon, C. Hand, A. Schwarzer, F. Smith, C. Watson, and B. D. Watts. 2022. Large-scale distribution models for optimal prediction of Eastern black rail habitat within tidal ecosystems. Global Ecology and Conservation 38:e02222.
Allison*, A. Z. T., and C. J. Conway. 2022. Daily foraging activity of an imperiled ground squirrel: effects of hibernation, thermal environment, body condition, and conspecific density. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76:28.
LaRoche, D. D., C. J. Conway, and C. Kirkpatrick. 2022. Small-scale variation in trap placement affects arthropod capture rates on sticky traps in riparian woodlands. Southwestern Naturalist 66:275-279.
Macías-Duarte*, A., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Geographic variation in dispersal of western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) populations. Behavioral Ecology 32:1339-1351.
Harrity*, E. J., L. E. Michael, and C. J. Conway. 2021. Sexual dimorphism in morphology and plumage of endangered Yuma Ridgway’s Rails: a model for documenting sex. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12:464-474.
Stevens†, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Mapping habitat quality and threats for eastern black rails. Waterbirds 44:245-256.
Barbosa†, S., K. R. Andrews, A. R. Goldberg*, D. Singh-Gour, P. A. Hohenlohe, C. J. Conway, and L. P. Waits. 2021. The role of neutral and adaptive genomic variation in population diversification and speciation in two ground squirrel species of conservation concern. Molecular Ecology 30:4673–4694.
Lundblad*, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Intraspecific variation in incubation behaviours along a latitudinal gradient is driven by nest microclimate and selection on neonate quality. Functional Ecology 35:1028-1040.
Lundblad*, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Ashmole’s hypothesis and the latitudinal gradient in clutch size. Biological Reviews 96:1349-1366.
Dillon*, K. G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Habitat heterogeneity, temperature, and primary productivity drive elevational gradients in avian species diversity. Ecology and Evolution 11:5985-5997.
Goldberg*, A. R., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Hibernation behavior of a federally-threatened ground squirrel: climate change and habitat selection implications. Journal of Mammalogy 102:574-587.
Lundblad*, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Nest microclimate and limits to egg viability explain avian life-history variation across latitudinal gradients. Ecology 102:e03338.
Lundblad*, C. G., C. J. Conway, K. Cruz-McDonnell, D. Doublet, M. J. Desmond, C. J. Navis, and K. Ongman. 2021. Long-term population fluctuations of a burrowing owl population on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. Journal of Raptor Research 55:241-254.
Riley*, I. P., C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens†, and S. Roberts. 2021. Survival of greater sage-grouse broods: survey method affects disturbance and age-specific detection probability. Journal of Field Ornithology 92:88-102.
Goldberg*, A. R., C. J. Conway, and D. E. Biggins. 2021. Effects of experimental flea removal and plague vaccine treatments on survival of northern Idaho ground squirrels and two coexisting sciurids. Global Ecology and Conservation 26:e01489.
Riley*, I. P., C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens†, and S. Roberts. 2021. Aural and visual detection of greater sage-grouse leks: Implications for population trend estimates. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:508-519.
Helmstetter**, N. A., C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens†, and A. R. Goldberg*. 2021. Balancing transferability and complexity of species distribution models for rare species conservation. Diversity and Distributions 27:95-108.
Conway, C. J., C. P. Nadeau**, and M. A. Conway. 2020. Broadcasting regional call dialects has little influence on the effectiveness of call-broadcast surveys for marsh birds. Wetlands 40:2055-2059.
Dornak†, L. L., J. L. Aycrigg, J. Sauer, and C. J. Conway. 2020. Assessing the efficacy of protected and multiple-use lands for bird conservation in the U.S. PLOS One 5(9):e0239184.
Macías-Duarte*, A., C. J. Conway, and M. Culver. 2020. Agriculture creates subtle genetic structure among migratory and non-migratory populations of Burrowing Owls throughout North America. Ecology and Evolution 10:10697–10708.
Goldberg*, A. R., C. J. Conway, D. Evans Mack, and G. Burak. 2020. Winter versus summer habitat selection in a threatened ground squirrel. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:1548–1559.
Lachman*, D. A., C. J. Conway, K. T. Vierling, and T. Matthews. 2020. Drones provide a better method to find nests and estimate nest survival for colonial waterbirds: a demonstration with western grebes. Wetlands Ecology and Management 28:837–845.
Harrity*, E. J., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Satellite transmitters reveal previously unknown migratory behavior and wintering locations of Yuma Ridgway’s Rails. Journal of Field Ornithology 91:300-312.
Riley*, I. P., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Methods for estimating vital rates of greater sage-grouse broods: A review. Wildlife Biology 2020:wlb.00700.
Harrity*, E. J., B. S. Stevens†, and C. J. Conway. 2020. Keeping up with the times: mapping range-wide habitat suitability for endangered species in a changing environment. Biological Conservation 250:108734.
Goldberg*, A. R., C. J. Conway, D. Tank, K. R. Andrews, D. S. Gour, and L. Waits. 2020. Diet of a rare herbivore based on DNA metabarcoding of feces: selection, seasonality, and survival. Ecology and Evolution 10:7627–7643.
Stevens†, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Mapping habitat suitability at range-wide scales: spatially-explicit distribution models to inform conservation and research for marsh birds. Conservation Science and Practice 2:e178.
Lundblad*, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Testing four hypotheses to explain partial migration: balancing reproductive benefits with limits to fasting endurance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74(2):26.
Goldberg*, A. R., C. J. Conway, and D. E. Biggins. 2020. Flea sharing among sympatric rodent hosts: implications for potential plague effects on a threatened sciurid. Ecosphere 11(2):e03033.
Lundblad*, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Variation in selective regimes drives intraspecific variation in life history traits and migratory behavior along an elevation gradient. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:397-411.
Harrity*, E. J., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Noose carpets: a novel method to capture rails. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:15-22.
Stevens†, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Predictive multi-scale occupancy models at range-wide extents: effects of habitat and human disturbance on distributions of wetland birds. Diversity and Distributions 26:34-48.
Stevens†, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Identifying important military installations for continental-scale conservation of marsh bird breeding habitat. Journal of Environmental Management 252:e109664.
Stevens†, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Predicting species distributions: unifying model selection and scale optimization for multi-scale occupancy models. Ecosphere 10(5): e02748.
Harrity*, E. J., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Novel ectoparasite infestation on Yuma Ridgway’s Rails (Rallus obsoletus yumanensis). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131:139-146.
Macías-Duarte*, A., C. J. Conway, G. L. Holroyd, H. E. Valdez-Gómez, and M. Culver. 2019. Genetic variation among island and continental populations of Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) subspecies in North America. Journal of Raptor Research 53:127-133.
Hohbein**, R., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Pitfall traps: a review of methods for estimating arthropod abundance. Wildlife Society Bulletin 42:597-606.
Burak, G. S., A. R. Goldberg*, J. M. Galloway, D. Evans Mack, and C. J. Conway. 2018. Collaborating to save a tiny threatened species: what does the northern Idaho ground squirrel need to survive? The Wildlife Professional 12(5):39-42.
Goldberg*, A. R., C. J. Conway, D. E. Biggins, G. Burak, and D. Evans Mack. 2018. Yersinia pestis, fleas, sylvatic plague, and persistence of a federally threatened ground squirrel. The Vector 12: 2-7.
Conway, C. J. 2018. Spatial and temporal patterns in population trends and burrow usage of Burrowing Owls in North America. Journal of Raptor Research 52:129-142.
Dillon*, K. G., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Nest predation risk explains variation in avian clutch size. Behavioral Ecology 29:301–311.
Glisson, W. J., C. J. Conway, C. P. Nadeau**, and K. L. Borgmann*. 2017. Habitat models to predict wetland bird occupancy influenced by scale, anthropogenic disturbance, and imperfect detection. Ecosphere 8:1-18.
McCullough**, J. M., and C. J. Conway. 2017. Breeding behavior of northern saw-whet owls in Oregon. Northwest Science 91:222-227.
Nadeau**, C. P., C. J. Conway, and N. Rathbun. 2015. Depth of burrowing owl nest boxes affects thermal suitability and occupancy. Journal of Field Ornithology 86:288-297.
Borgmann*, K. L., and C. J. Conway. 2015. The nest-concealment hypothesis: new insights from a comparative analysis. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127:646-660.
Glisson, W. J., C. J. Conway, C. P. Nadeau**, K. L. Borgmann*, and T. A. Laxson. 2015. Range-wide wetland associations of the King Rail: a multi-scale approach. Wetlands 35:577-587.
Nadeau**, C. P., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Optimizing water depth for wetland-dependent wildlife could increase wetland restoration success, water efficiency, and water security. Restoration Ecology 23:292-300.
Dillon*, K. G., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Elevational gradient in clutch size of red-faced warblers. Journal of Field Ornithology 86:163–172.
Macías-Duarte*, A., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Distributional changes in the Western Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in North America from 1967 to 2008. Journal of Raptor Research 49:75-83.
Macías-Duarte*, A., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Spatial patterns in hydrogen isotope ratios in feathers of burrowing owls from western North America. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 132:25-36.
Nadeau**, C. P., C. J. Conway, L. Piest, and B. Burger. 2013. Multi-species call-broadcast improved detection of endangered Yuma clapper rail compared to single-species call-broadcast. Wetlands 33:699-706.
Borgmann*, K. L., C. J. Conway, and M. L. Morrison. 2013. Breeding phenology of birds: mechanisms underlying seasonal declines in the risk of nest predation. PLOS One 8(6): e65909.
Steidl, R. J., C. J. Conway, and A. Litt. 2013. Power to detect trends in abundance of secretive marsh birds: effects of species traits and sampling effort. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:445-453.
Conway, M., C. J. Conway, and C. P. Nadeau**. 2012. Intraspecific variation in reproductive traits of burrowing owls. Journal of Ethology 30:395-402.
Nadeau**, C. P., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Field evaluation of distance-estimation error during wetland-dependent bird surveys. Wildlife Research 39:311-320.
Steckler*, S. E., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Frequent vocalizing is negatively associated with brood parasitism in a host of the Brown-headed Cowbird. Condor 114: 219-226.
Decker*, K., C. J. Conway, J. J. Fontaine. 2012. Nest predation, food, and female age explain seasonal declines in clutch size. Evolutionary Ecology 26:683-699.
Conway, C. J. 2011. Standardized North American marsh bird monitoring protocol. Waterbirds 34:319-346.
Smith*, M. D., and C. J. Conway. 2011. Collection of mammal manure and other debris by nesting burrowing owls. Journal of Raptor Research 45:220-228.
Conway, C. J., and J. P. Gibbs. 2011. Summary of intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting detection probability of marsh birds. Wetlands 31:403-411.
Holroyd, G., C. J. Conway, and H. Trefry. 2011. Breeding dispersal of a Burrowing Owl from Arizona to Saskatchewan. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123:378-381.
Boyle*, W. A., C. J. Conway, and J. L. Bronstein. 2011. Why do some, but not all, tropical birds migrate? A comparative study of diet breadth and fruit preference. Evolutionary Ecology 25:219-236.
Bartok, N., and C. J. Conway. 2010. Factors affecting the presence of nesting burrowing owls in an agricultural landscape. Journal of Raptor Research 44:286-293.
Macías-Duarte*, A., C. J. Conway, A. Munguia-Vega, and M. Culver. 2010. Novel microsatellite loci for the Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia. Conservation Genetics Resources 2:67-69.
Robinson, G., C. J. Conway, C. Kirkpatrick, and D. LaRoche. 2010.  Response to nestling throat ligatures by three songbirds.  Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:806-809.
Conway, C. J., C. P. Nadeau**, and L. Piest. 2010. Fire helps restore natural disturbance regime to benefit rare and endangered marsh birds endemic to Colorado River. Ecological Applications 20:2024-2035.
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2010. Nest predators of ground-nesting birds in montane forests of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:614-617.
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2010. Importance of montane riparian forest and influence of wildfire on nest-site selection of ground-nesting birds. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:729-738.
Conway, C. J., and C. P. Nadeau**. 2010. Effects of broadcasting conspecific and heterospecific calls on detection of marsh birds in North America. Wetlands 30:358-368.
Decker*, K. L., and C. J. Conway. 2009. Effects of an unseasonable snowstorm on Red-faced Warbler nesting success. The Condor 111:392-395.
Ogonowski*, M. S., and C. J. Conway. 2009. Migratory decisions in birds: extent of genetic versus environmental control. Oecologia 161:199-207.
Garcia*, V., and C. J. Conway. 2009. What constitutes a nesting attempt? Variation in criteria causes bias and hinders comparisons across studies. The Auk 126:31-40.
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and M. H. Ali. 2009. Sanitation of entire broods of dead nestlings may bias cause-specific nest failure rates. Ibis 151:207-211.
Garcia*, V., and C. J. Conway. 2009. Use of video probe does not affect burrowing owl reproductive parameters or return rates. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:154-157.
Lantz*, S. J., and C. J. Conway. 2009. Factors affecting daily nest survival of burrowing owls within black-tailed prairie dog colonies. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:232-241.
Conway, C. J., C. Kirkpatrick, and D. LaRoche. 2008. Keep the home fires burning: Rare birds and better abodes in southeastern Arizona. Fire Science Brief, No. 22.
Ballard, A. S., P. S. Balfour, and C. J. Conway. 2008. Rana catasbeiana (American bullfrog) predation. Herpetological Review 39:462.
Hutto, R. L., C. J. Conway, V. A. Saab, and J. R. Walters. 2008. What constitutes a natural fire regime? Insight from the ecology and distribution of coniferous forest birds in North America. Fire Ecology 4:115-132.
Nadeau**, C. P., C. J. Conway, B. S. Smith, and T. E. Lewis. 2008. Maximizing detection probability of wetland-dependent birds during point-count surveys in northwestern Florida. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:513-518.
Conway, C. J., V. Garcia*, M. D. Smith*, and K. Hughes**. 2008. Factors affecting detection of burrowing owl nests during standardized surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:688-696.
Lantz*, S. J., C. J. Conway, and S. H. Anderson. 2007. Multi-scale habitat selection by burrowing owls in black-tailed prairie dog colonies. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2664-2672.
Conway, C. J., and C. Kirkpatrick. 2007. Effect of forest fire suppression on Buff-breasted Flycatchers. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:445-457.
Conway, C. J., and C. Sulzman. 2007. Status and habitat use of the California black rail in the southwestern U.S.A. Wetlands 27:987-998.
Boyle*, W. A., and C. J. Conway. 2007. Why migrate? A test of the evolutionary precursor hypothesis. American Naturalist 169:344-359.
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, K. M. Hughes*, and J. deVos. 2007. Probability of detecting band-tailed pigeons during call-broadcast versus auditory surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:231-237.
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and D. LaRoche. 2007. Range expansion of the Buff-breasted Flycatcher (Empidonax fulvifrons) into the Rincon Mountains, Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 52:149-152.
Smith*, M. D., and C. J. Conway. 2007. Use of mammal manure by nesting burrowing owls: A test of four functional hypotheses. Animal Behaviour 73:65-73.
Conway, C. J., and K. L. Pardieck. 2006. Population trajectory of burrowing owls in eastern Washington. Northwest Science 80:292-297.
Conway, C. J., and S. Droege. 2006. A unified strategy for monitoring changes in abundance of birds associated with North American tidal marshes. Studies in Avian Biology 32:382-397.
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2006. Woodrat (Neotoma) depredation of a yellow-eyed junco (Junco phaeonotus) nest in southeastern Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 51:412-414.
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and P. B. Jones. 2006. Distribution and relative abundance of forest birds in relation to burn severity in southeastern Arizona. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1005-1012.
Conway, C. J., V. Garcia*, M. D. Smith*, L. A. Ellis, and J. Whitney. 2006. Comparative demography of burrowing owls within agricultural and urban landscapes in southeastern Washington. Journal of Field Ornithology 77:280-290.
Smith*, M. D., C. J. Conway, and L. A. Ellis. 2005. Burrowing owl nesting productivity: a comparison between artificial and natural burrows on and off golf courses. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:454-462.
Smith*, M. D., and C. J. Conway. 2005. Use of artificial burrows on golf courses for burrowing owl conservation. Turf and Environmental Research Online 4(9):1-6.
Conway, C. J., and V. Garcia*. 2005. Effects of radio transmitters on natal recruitment of burrowing owls. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:404-408.
Conway, C. J., and J. P. Gibbs. 2005. Effectiveness of call-broadcast surveys for monitoring marsh birds. The Auk 122:26-35.
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2005. An evaluation of survey methods for monitoring interior populations of band-tailed pigeons. Pages 21-23 in Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program Project Abstracts – 2004. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management. Denver, CO.
Conway, C. J., C. Sulzman, and B. A. Raulston. 2004. Factors affecting detection probability of California Black Rails. Journal of Wildlife Management 68:360-370.
Conway, C. J., and J. Simon. 2003. Comparison of detection probability associated with Burrowing Owl survey methods. Journal of Wildlife Management 67:501-511.
Erwin, R. M., C. J. Conway, and S. W. Hadden. 2002. Species occurrence of marsh birds at Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts. Northeastern Naturalist 9:1-12.
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Evolution of passerine incubation behavior: influence of food, temperature, and nest predation. Evolution 54: 670-685.
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Effects of ambient temperature on avian incubation behavior. Behavioral Ecology 11: 178-188.
Conway, C. J., G. V. N. Powell, and J. D. Nichols. 1995. Overwinter survival of Neotropical migratory birds in early-successional and mature tropical forests. Conservation Biology 9:855-864.
Conway, C. J., S. H. Anderson, D. E. Runde, and D. Abbate. 1995. Effects of experimental nestling harvest on Prairie Falcons. Journal of Wildlife Management 59:311-316.
Conway, C. J., W. R. Eddleman, and K. L. Simpson. 1994. Evaluation of lipid indices of the Wood Thrush. Condor 96:783-790.
Conway, C. J., W. R. Eddleman, and K. L. Simpson. 1994. Seasonal changes in fatty acid composition of the Wood Thrush. Condor 96:791-794.
Conway, C. J., W. R. Eddleman, and S. H. Anderson. 1994. Nesting success and survival of Virginia Rails and Soras. Wilson Bulletin 106:466-473.
Miller, B., R. Reading, C. J. Conway, J. A. Jackson, M. Hutchins, N. Snyder, S. Forrest, J. Frazier, and S. Derrickson. 1994. A model for improving endangered species recovery programs. Environmental Management 18:637-645.
Conway, C. J., W. R. Eddleman, S. H. Anderson, and L. R. Hanebury. 1993. Seasonal changes in Yuma Clapper Rail vocalization rate and habitat use. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:282-290.
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 1993. Habitat suitability for Williamson's Sapsuckers in mixed-conifer forests. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:322-328.
Anderson, S. H., C. J. Conway, D. Abbate, and D. Runde. 1990. Long-term productivity of a prairie falcon (Falco mexicanus) population under harvest conditions. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 71:78.