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In the News

Check out these articles and posts featuring Conway Lab people and projects!

The Wildlife Society: "Wild Cam - Common insecticides may hamper shorebird migration."

The Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance: "Rough-legged Hawk Project Update - December 2023."

University of Idaho: "Vandal Explorer Alice Morris - Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels." (Video)

University of Idaho Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Sciences: "Peculiar Hibernation Habits of Endemic Idaho Ground Squirrels."

Functional Ecology: "Ground squirrels hibernate to avoid predation, but not at the expense of reproductive opportunities."

Vox: "These adorable tiny owls are thriving in the most unlikely place - humans have accidentally helped save some animals, for once."

Bureau of Land Management: "University of Idaho project provides insights about grazing's impact on sage-grouse habitat."

USGS: "From Genes to GPS: For endangered light-footed Ridgway's rails, modern tools provide insight into population health."

Magic Valley: "Grazing and grouse: Massive Idaho study hopes to explain impact of livestock on imperiled Western bird."

Madison Audubon: "Friday Feathered Feature - The Rough-Legged Hawk Project"

The Wildlife Society: "Does selenium affect Yuma Ridgway's Rails?"

University of Idaho: "Conservation Scholars Build Network and Field Research Skills."

Sonoran Joint Venture: "Secrets of the Marsh - What the birds don’t know might be killing them."

Nature Collective: "Are Ridgway's Rails Travelers?"

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