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Lab Members

Meet our students and staff, both past and present!


Dr. Courtney Conway

Principal Investigator

Courtney is the leader of the USGS Idaho Coop Unit, Professor of Wildlife Sciences, and Affiliate Professor of Biological Sciences. His recent research has focused on: demographic traits of greater sage grouse; conservation of northern Idaho ground squirrels; habitat suitability for marsh birds; the causes of migratory behavior of burrowing owls throughout North America; and the effects of management actions on wildlife populations.

Former Members


John Simon

Research Associate, 2000-2002



John Charles Simon Consulting





Chris Kirkpatrick

Research Associate, 2000-2010


Physical Therapist,

Carondelt St. Mary's Hospital





Sarah (Lantz) Reif

M.S. Student, 2002-2005


"Nesting ecology and habitat selection of western burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in the Thunder Basin National Grassland, northeastern Wyoming."


Habitat Division Administrator,

Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife


Matthew Smith

M.S. Student, 2000-2004


"Function of manure-scattering behavior of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia)."





Victoria Garcia

M.S. Student, 2001-2005


"Effects of food and ectoparasites on age of natal dispersal in burrowing owls."


Fish and Wildlife Biologist,

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


Katie Hughes

M.S. Student, 2002-2007


"Effects of nest-site selection on probability of nest despredation in band-taild pigeons."


Assistant Director of Academic Advising,

University of Arizona




W. Alice Boyle

Ph.D. Student, 2000-2006


"Why do birds migrate? The role of food, habitat, predation, and competition."


Associate Professor,

Kansas State University


Lisa Ellis

Research Associate, 2002-2004


Idaho State Supervisor,

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service





Christopher Nadeau

Research Associate, 2002-2011


Climate Change Adaptation Scientist,

Acadia National Park


Mark Ogonowski

M.S. Student, 2003-2007


"Factors affecting migratory behavior of burrowing owls."


Senior Fish and Wildlife Biologist,

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service




Sonya Steckler

M.S. Student, 2005-2009


"Effects of vocal behavior on brood parasitism of Arizona Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii arizonae)."


Clinical Liaison,

University Avon Rehabilitation Hospital



Dominic LaRoche

Research Associate, 2003-2011


Senior Manager of Biostatistics,

Codetta Bio







Kathi Borgmann

Ph.D. Student, 2005-2010

Postdoc. Researcher, 2013-2014


"Causes of seasonal changes in risk of avian nest predation in montane riparian areas: a test of alternative hypotheses."


Communications Coordinator,

Cornell University


Alberto Macías-Duarte

Ph.D. Student, 2003-2011


"Change in migratory behavior as a possible explanation of burrowing owl population declines in northern latitudes."



Sonora State University


Karie Decker

M.S. Student, 2007-2009


"Seasonal decline in clutch size: A test of six alternative hypotheses."


Director of Wildlife and Habitat,

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation




Meaghan Conway

Research Associate, 2008-2013


Fish and Wildlife Biologist,

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


Kristen Dillon

M.S. Student, 2010-2013


"Elevational gradients in avian clutch size."


Habitat Management Plan Coordinator,

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service



Zach Swearingen

M.S. Student, 2012-2015


"Effectiveness of management actions intended to benefit wildlife populations on the Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area."


Regional Manager: Wildlife Habitat,

Idaho Department of Fish and Game


Lenny Santisteban

Postdoc. Researcher, 2009-2010


Chief Environmental Scientist,


Maria Gerene Garcia

M.S. Student, 2010-2014


"Why are burrowing owls declining in the northern portions of their breeding range?"


Natural Science Instructor,

Mid-State Technical College


Lynnette Dornak

Postdoc. Researcher, 2013-2014


Associate Professor,

University of Wisconsin-Platteville


Brit Oleson

M.S. Student, began 2010


"Why are burrowing owls attracted to agricultural areas in North America?"


Wildlife Manager,

Arizona Game & Fish


Carl Lundblad

M.S. Student, 2011-2014


"Altitudinal migration in birds: tests of four mechanistic hypotheses in yellow-eyed juncos (Junco phaeonotus)."


Research Scientist,

U.S. Geological Survey


Amanda Goldberg

Ph.D. Student, 2013-2018


"Diet, disease, and hibernation behavior of northern Idaho ground squirrels."


Postdoc., Virginia Tech


Wes Glisson

Research Associate, 2014-2016


Aquatic Plant Specialist,

Washington State Dept. of Ecology







Ian Riley

M.S. Student, 2015-2019


"Sampling methods for lek and brood counts of greater sage-grouse: accounting for imperfect detection."


Assistant Wildlife Area Manager,

Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife



Carl Lundblad

Ph.D. Student, 2014-2020


"Life-history Evolution, Abiotic Constraints, and Climate Adaptability of Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) Breeding Along a Latitudinal Gradient."


Research Scientist,

U.S. Geological Survey


Eamon Harrity

M.S. Student, 2016-2019


"Remotely sensed metrics help map range-wide habitat suitability and identify habitat restoration priorities for an endangered marsh bird."


Wildlife Project Manager,

Sky Island Alliance


Dave Gotsch

M.S. Student, began 2014


"Effects of cattle grazing on abundance of arthopod prey of the greater sage-grouse."






Andrew Meyers

Research Associate, 2016-2020


Wildlife Biologist,

Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife


Deo Lachman

M.S. Student, 2016-2020


"Behavioral and environmental factors affecting nest-site selection and nest survival in a colonial-nesting waterbird."


Wildlife Biologist,

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service




Nolan Helmstetter

M.S. Student, 2019-2023


"Influence of Land Use and Habitat on Sage-Grouse Nest Predators."


Ph.D. Student,

Montana State University


Bryan Stevens

Postdoc. Researcher, 2016-2018

Research Scientist, 2018-2023


Research Wildlife Biologist,

U.S. Forest Service







Austin Allison

M.S. Student, 2018-2022


"Foraging behavior and survival of the northern Idaho ground squirrel are influenced by climate, hibernation behavior, endogenous state, and competition with a coexisting congener."


Ph.D. Student,

Colorado State University

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